I look back at old posts and have to laugh - the boy has been teething since I started this and still no tooth. The tiniest spec of white is showing on the bottom right side - I foolishly thought that meant that a tooth was imminent, but I was wrong. I actually am a big fan of the goofy gummy smile so I'm not in a real hurry to see those pearly whites, I just wish I could stop wondering, is he not eating because he is teething? is he not drinking because he is teething? does he wake up screaming because he is teething? Those are three issues we are dealing with right now - well actually he is starting to develop an appetite - finally! We were at a picnic this weekend with another little boy, about 6 weeks older, and encourage Paudie to watch the child as he wolfed down quiche and crab cake. Maybe something rubbed off on P because since then he has been more involved and seemingly happier to eat. Even had his first egg yolk - mixed with banana though. I know, sorta gross.
Paudie still can't crawl. But he's close. And he is trying to pull himself up. We brokedown and started to childproof. Our first step - move lots of furniture out of the living room. It's quite bare but there is far less for him to get into trouble with now. We also need to buy a larger rug - the hardwood floors are just so enticing for him, maybe because he can push himself backwards and get a good slide going. But he is always coming thisclose to smacking his head off of it.
We had out picture taken Friday night for an article on our other son for CURE magazine. The photographer was an hour late and Paudie was not a happy, willing subject. I can only imagine with the shot is going to look like. I don't even know if he got anything usable. I'm sure whatever it is, Paudie will look adorable and John and I will look awkward as all getout. We weren't allowed to look at the camera. I'm sure I'll be mortified.
I almost forgot - we took Paudie to his first Gymboree music class. Guess what? Paudie hates high notes. I always knew he had weird aversions to certain noises, but when the teacher hit high notes, he lost his shiz all together. Luckily there was only one other little boy there, but I did feel bad - the teacher was like, um okay maybe Padraig isn't ready for this and the other kid was looking at him like, dude, shut it! So that was a bummer. He liked the hands-on pieces of the class - drums, maracas, the ball... but clearly he is not a fan of la, te or do.
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