At least that is how it feels this week. Paudie started daycare. I really didn't have any angst about putting in someone else's care, surprisingly - the provider seems excellent - very nice, very on top of things. The daycare is in her home, two streets over from us - very convenient! I was most worried about how he'd deal with table food and a regimented nap schedule (one two-hour nap later in the day - as opposed to two shorter naps, one had been in the morning).
According to Wendy, Paudie is really thriving. He plays with the other kids, he eats his lunch! He naps in a crib!! This is all shocking to me! Yesterday's report slip said he ate his whole lunch - fish sticks! It is mindboggling. The child that wouldn't eat anything is now eating. Even at home, he is eating. It is remarkable. And dumbfounding. Soon he will emerge from his 43 percentile weight status!
The napping situation isn't all that great, but he is sleeping - just not as much as she'd like him to/he needs. But I think we'll get there. But in another shocking turn of events... he fell asleep in his porta crib last night! Granted it only lasted two hours and then he was back with us, but still - the progress in shocking.
The most surprising thing to me of our new routine is that when we drop him off at daycare, as soon as he enters the door, he's off and playing, exploring. No wistful glace, no pulling at our legs, no tears. Nothing. He's over us!
And he's getting another tooth. And he said his first word: Book. What the hell is that about? Where did that come from? Is he intellectual? Cos he certainly never sees us with books - magazines, yes - a remote control, for sure. But books? Never. He himself has a large collection of books cos I read that's all good for kids- I guess so. He still doesn't really say mama or dada, but if we ask where the baba is, he'll point to a photo of Cian or of himself.
So there you have it. Our boy is officially one, officially social, officially eating and offically bored with us. We knew it wouldn't take long.
Oh, no need to call DSS on us - we usually are quite stern and scolding when Paudie hangs off the stove - but it wasn't on and John thought he'd capture the moment just once...
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