Not sure if I am channeling Sarah Palin or Marge Gunderson but it sure is fun talkin all folksy like. See, I can be lighthearted. I'm not always a downer. I'm quite grateful for Thanksgiving because it always does seem to slap me in the face or grab me by the shoulders and shake me. I am thankful. I am enormously thankul for what I have. Every day at some point in the day I think, shit I am lucky. Sure things haven't gone as I thought they would, but I have two living, amazing children that inspire me every day. I have a wonderful husband. I am doing pretty well as far as Maslow's Hierarchy goes. I don't think I can actually say 'life is good' because I am wildly superstitious, but it could certainly be a lot worse - and has been a lot worse. I guess this all is demonstrative of the change that happens post-trauma. Everything gets re-arranged in terms of perspective. I can't really sweat the small stuff anymore. I can rant and rave like a lunatic but deep inside Pollyanna is alive and kicking. I've been to bad and am just so stinkin' thankful to have what I have today even though so much of my being tends to be defined by what I've lost.
Short and sweet today.
Happy thanksgiving. I hope you are able to spend tomorrow with loved ones, I hope miracles are happening, big and small. I hope you have your needs met, I hope you can help meet the needs of others. I hope if life has thrown you a curveball that you can somehow make sense of any despair, even in a small way. I hope today I can be living proof for someone that you can spiritually rise from the ashes, at least from time to time.