Noel was getting sleepy around 9ish - there I was in the corner of the ballroom with my fancy dress on rocking his stroller trying to get him to sleep. A babysitter arrived around 10 PM and I was encouraged to get Noel into his crib and have her watch him. I was really reluctant. The jaded American in me kept asking myself, is she going to steal my baby? I was so reluctant as I left him even though she was the sweetest girl. I think John's sister thought I was a bit wound over the whole thing. I eventually relaxed and one by one the kiddos went up - Paudie fell asleep around 1 so John and I had some time to enjoy ourselves sans kids. The next day was a bit brutal but we survived.
Noel ended up with a double ear infection two days after the wedding. Poor thing was a mess - was interesting for me to experience what it's like to see a doctor in another country. No paperwork, no HIPAA forms. No major wait. Getting the antibiotic took about two minutes in the pharmacy across the street from the doctor. So luckily he had enough medicine in him that the flight back wasn't nightmarish for either of us. Of course even 5 days after finishing that drug the ear still wasn't clear so onto round 3. Ugh. what we have learned about our fat and happy baby us that antibiotics = the runs for little Noel. It was out of control. One day he pooped all over his clothes twice, then the dog pooped/peed/barfed in the kitchen and Paudie peed on the floor. Good god.
So Noel is healthy again and gearing up for his first Halloween - he's a frog, assuming the costume fits. Noel has started to crawl the army crawl this week and he is completely and utterly aggressive. He will not sit still for diaper changes and must always be moving towards something - the TV cabinet, the corner of the rug, the metal bar on his pack and play. I don't remember Paudie being so crazed about getting around at a young age but who knows. I guess I could go back and read through old posts. Maybe it all seems heightened now because we have so many toys in the house and a dog with lots of dog hair.
In Pau news... our boy has taken to swearing and I know we have no one to blame but ourselves. What kills me is the finesse with which he uses his swears. He isn't jumping up and down yelling them out as he occasionally does with the word 'poop,' rather he has integrated them into his everyday speech with no fanfare. "Oh shit, that piece doesn't fit there" was overhead this week as he was doing a puzzle. And then there is the f-bomb. John and I are very aware of our language right now and trying to do what we can to clean our potty mouths as I don't want to be the parent of the kid who taught everyone at daycare how to swear.
I had my first business trip post-kids this week - 4 days in New Orleans. John was left in charge of the house and fam - I felt so guilty leaving him, especially since it was our anniversary, and over a weekend. But as per usual, he totally kicked ass. Even braved the zoo. It was really weird for me to travel without them. I must confess to having a soft spot for NOLA at the moment - the food was soooo good. I swear I gained 5 lbs. And the people have a lot of spirit. Well not the drunk gross tourists but the locals. We did a cemetary tour that was quite interesting and has prompted me to actually want to learn more about the city's history... you know, read a book? I was so happy to get home, I missed everyone so much. But I'm glad I went and proved to myself I can do things without them. Sometimes I'm so damn co-dependent.
Happy Halloween y'all.