Did I already use that title once? Probably. Everything old is new again these days anyways, you know, derivative. So here we are, mid-September. Paudie our superboy is 3. He is potty trained. He uses a real cup. We have a pre-schooler! We had a small get-together for him last weekend with a bouncy castle. A little over the top for like 8 friends I guess, but the fact that he keeps getting older is so meaningful for us - we don't take it for granted. There was a time I never thought we'd get here. And yes I realize that the way I am talking right now sounds as if Paudie is the one with cancer or some other illness. I wish I could parent without baggage but I just can't no matter how hard I try. The poor kid, having to grow up with a half crazy mama. Noel is so lucky that Paudie gets the brunt of my pathology.
Speaking of Noel he is now 5 and a half months - another milestone for us. If he wakes up tomorrow without being diagnosed with cancer, which I am fairly certain will happen, we'll have surpassed another marker in my mind. He is so much like Cian. Happy, happy, happy baby. And fat. The fattest thighs you have ever seen. I had John get all the 6-12 month clothes from the attic last month and just gave up on them - chunker is now in 12-18 month clothes and they aren't exactly hanging off of him. In no time at all he will be taking his brother down. Have I mentioned the drooling yet? Noel is the drooliest kid. OMG. He soaks through his shirt in no time at all. It's like a faucet. The bibs and shirts we go through each day is really something else. You hold him for like a minute and you are slimed.
Hmm what else has gone on lately? Paudie had his 3 year well visit and I have to say, he has come a long way. While he was very vocal about not wanting to go see Dr. I, he was largely a trooper. Didn't cry for the finger prick/lead test. I thought that would be the worst of it (hence me scheduling the appt on his actual bday), but it turns out he needed a booster shot. And then I figured why not throw in the flu shot if he is going to be crying anways. Bad mommy! But he calmed down and had a good visit with our wonderful doctor. He clocked in at 40 inches and 34 lbs. Still completely lanky. Oh, and we had another successful haircut. He was sporting this Bieber look which was a total bad scene but I wanted to wait till right before our trip since he's the ring bearer and all, needed to make sure he is well-coiffed for the photos.
Oh, right. So as mentioned above, the big news is that Weds night at 7:15 PM we will all board a plane for Ireland. Between now and then I need to pack 172 Lbs of stuff to carry us through our two-week getaway. We are going to have a very busy time with John's family between a wedding and associated dinners, a birthday party and Noel's baptism. Paudie is going to be on perma-high playing with his 13 cousins, stomping in mud and puddles, riding a tractor, looking at the cows etc. If we could just fast-forward past the plane ride and two-days of jetlag/sleep deprivation. It really is incredibly painful to lose a night of sleep. But hopefully we'll get settled in without too much drama and conflict. Hee.
Bon voyage peeps.